Goal 3: Invest in student antiracism resources and efforts


Goal 3 Current Commitments:


我们致力于为所有学生提供全面的建议,帮助他们完成学业, professional, and personal goals.

这种方法有助于学生在一个包容、创新和协作的社区中学习和成长. 我们的工作已经从咨询中心和居家老人等举措开始. 我们将继续加强和评估这些努力,并在此基础上继续努力.

努力最好地支持来自所有边缘群体的学生, we will engage outside experts to conduct focus groups, identify needs, and recommend programming and support systems.

我们在2019年夏季开始与土著学生一起努力,并将重点放在2019年第4街区穆斯林学生的需求上. We will examine the needs of Black, Latinx, international, LBGTQIA+, Asian American, First Generation, 2020年,其他学生团体也将研究交叉性. We welcome suggestions for additional consultations.

在校实习——有机会获得学分——以及暑期研究, service, and student employment opportunities, 会为参与反种族主义倡议的学生设立吗.

支持反种族主义倡议的学生联盟建设, 将为提出为反种族主义倡议制定具体行动步骤的学生设立反种族主义补助金.

科罗拉多大学学生政府协会和学术和学生生活部门将确保学生资金公平分配. 负责学生多样性和包容性的新高级副院长/巴特勒中心主任将培训所有获得资助的学生团体领袖.

根据2019-20学年期间进行的一系列焦点小组的意见, we will reassess the Butler Center.



Parties accountable: Board of Trustees, president, provost, vice president for student life/dean of students, vice provost, 以及负责多元化和包容性学生事务的新任高级副院长/巴特勒中心主任

Updates, August 2021:

Report an issue - Last updated: 01/17/2023

In Progress

  • 2011 to 2020, students of color increased from 18% to 27.1%
  • 2011 to 2020, international students increased from 5.8% to 8.4%
  • 建立/重建与学生和学生组织的信任和关系
  • DEI leadership positions - created and recruited 
  • 适合学生发展和能力建设的项目套件 
  • Inclusive computing collaboration with Butler Center 


  • 文理学院种族平等领导联盟成员
  • Equity & Power course development program; General Education program
  • DEI领导团队与部门、委员会和员工/学生团体举行会议
  • 聘用高级教师主动增加多样性,使课程多样化
  • 发起科罗拉多承诺,让科罗拉多的家庭更能负担得起CC 


  • Established “CC Conversations”
  • Colorado Springs Police Department liaison contract review
  • 为大学预科的本地学生建立了斯特劳德学者计划
  • 接受萨克斯基金会为黑人学生追求教育事业的礼物
  • Elections 2020 in classrooms and panel discussion
  • Antiracist Pedagogies and the General Education Program Workshop
  • Antiracism in Field Study Workshop Series
  • Writing Instruction Workshop
  • Equity audit of the student handbook 
  • 反种族主义评估工具,涵盖人员,政策,做法,评估
  • Orienting the Butler Center to student development
  • Antiracism Plan Oversight Committee
  • External review of racism at CC; and established Antiracism Implementation Plan
  • Approximately $7 million spent on ADA improvements
  • 命名关键空间-塔瓦广场,柯林斯大厦,萨拉查大厦等.
  • Gender-neutral bathrooms
  • Founded the Butler Center
  • Expanded Outdoor Education to include more inclusive programs
  • 增加了土著居民和LGBTQ+的生活学习社区
  • Adopted a smudging policy
  • Increased the diversity of counselors in the Counseling Center
  • Adopted a pronoun and preferred name practice
  • Established the Wellness Resource Center
  • Added financial aid for blocks abroad
  • Added/enhanced block break programming
  • Increased meal plan dollars for students on financial aid
  • Centralized funding opportunities for students
  • 为桥梁奖学金学生创建了金融知识计划
  • Repurposed 22 laptops for yearlong checkout to students in need
  • 主持高中演讲和辩论教师公平会议
  • Started the Student Opportunities and Advising Hub
  • Made Race, Ethnicity, and Migration Studies a major
  • Made Indigenous Studies a minor
  • 增加了一名住院老人和多元化与包容专家
  • Established the Africana Intellectual Project
  • 增加西南研究、女权主义和性别方面的资源和终身教职人员
  • Completed the Susie B. Challenge supporting the Colorado Pledge
  • Added a test-optional policy
  • Joined QuestBridge; enrolled more than 150 QuestBridge students across four classes
  • Raised nearly $70 million for need-based financial aid since 2014
  • 为桥梁学者计划筹集第一笔捐款,为学生捐赠资源
  • 为未被充分代表的学生参加项目增加了一倍的飞机票预算
  • Removed the application fee for applying to CC
  • 通过400美元的补助金资助桥梁项目提前到达,以抵消提前到达校园的影响
  • 为美术中心聘请了西南艺术收藏馆长
  • Received $1.2 million grant to bring visiting Indigenous artists to campus
  • 推出了来自边缘社会群体的学生、校友和雇员的不为人知的故事
  • 增加了赌博正规的十大网站所在土地的原始居民的承认 
  • Established affinity based student support and mentoring programs
  • Established Antiracism Book Club
  • 建立了“拆除仇恨:迈向理解的教育系列” & Action”

NOTE: some of these progress points may apply to multiple goals.